10:00 PM – 12:00 AM Dance with live music by Biele and Orkiestra Galicja
St. John’s Centre in Gdańsk, 50 Świętojańska Street
Free entrance
Biele – a music project started by Julita Charytoniuk, Ulka Murawko and Piotr Fiedorowicz – people from the Suwałki Region, who grew up in a land of green forests, remote marshes and riverside meadows. Places where mundane reality blends with the atmosphere of mystery and mysticism, and daily grind smoothly passes into leisure time. Biele is the music of the Suwałki Region. The old one, which we sometimes irrationally miss and the present one, in which we try to live rationally.
Julita Charytoniuk – drum
Ulka Murawko – dulcimer
Piotr Fiedorowicz – violin, bagpipes
Orkiestra Galicja – a project dedicated to the music of the Polish-Ukrainian borderland belonging to the former Galicia. The band offers a traditional repertoire of dances and songs from the Polish Uplands and Ukrainian Subcarpathia, the areas around Rzeszów and Lviv, and plays tunes of Polish Uplanders, Boykos, Hutsuls, Hungarians, as well as klezmer melodies. You will hear a variety of dance tunes: wild kołomyjkas and Ukrainian polkas, Uplands obereks and slow Galician krakowiaks and kozachoks, wedding melodies, and songs of both traditions. Orkiestra Galicja is live song and dance music played on two violins, basolia, drum and dulcimer, collected during field expeditions, discovered in archival recordings, and based on the 19th century records of Oskar Kolberg. The band members are students of rural musicians, practitioners and researchers of the musical traditions of Poland and Ukraine who look for the original sound of old country music, initiators and participants of numerous initiatives to revive musical traditions.
Mateusz Niwiński – violin, vocals
Olena Yeremenko – violin, vocals
Agnieszka Niwińska – drum, baraban drum
Domagalski – basolia, double bass